Empowering at Risk Girls One Girl at a Time

The goal of my books, Amazing Adventures in Shelby’s Shoes, is to promote self-esteem and to encourage all girls to realize their full potential and strive to achieve their goals and dreams. However, there are some girls, unfortunately, despite best efforts, fall through the cracks. These are at risk girls. To help educate about and further the cause for helping at risk girls to achieve their full potential, I want to introduce a program created by Girl Power Rocks Girl Power is a nonprofit prevention and intervention social change program that is promoting positive behavior, improving social skills and enhancing academic performance in at-risk girls ages 11 – 17 who are, for sundry reasons, at risk. The organization was established in 2000 by the World Literacy Crusade (WLC) of Florida - an international, non-profit, community literacy program - Girl Power fosters confidence, competence, and pride in at risk girls who may suffer from low self-team, lack of educational oppo...